Thursday, April 23, 2015

There's something about this picture of Jada that just makes my heart sing.  She's such a beautiful little girl. I'm told that there was nothing in front of her, but look at the intensity in those virgin eyes. The pureness of her being.  How do they process during infancy?  I suspect: Mommy - Not Mommy is pretty close to truth.  I know our son and Monish are her constant companions always there.  She is wrapped in the security tremendous love, amazement and safety and she knows it.

I am loved, provided for and kept safe.  That is enough for now.  Well, that and please change my diaper again,  oops sorry, another please.  :)  What a treasure for this new small family to have such a blessing of this first month being just there 24/7 and learning and laying the foundation for what this phase of their lives will be.  Not many people get such an opportunity.

Jada, this is only the beginning.  There's so many more who love you and have prayed for you and your Mommy and Daddy for so long.  You get to met us and your family around the globe in time.  Please always know, that you are wrapped in the protection of our love from afar.  We are watching and celebrating your daily joys.  We'll be here for you always and you can always call on us at any time for all of lifes ups and downs.  We love you.

Grandpa and Grandma Carter

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Whew! A Whole Year and NOW I'm a Grandma

I can't believe it is actually 4 days shy of being a whole year since I wrote something.  And then I remembered why.

Our oldest son was working in Honduras for the last 2 years. While there he met a wonderful young lady.  In the past year, they have had their first child, Jada. We've all been working working working to get the visa so Monish can move to the states where they want to raise this beautiful baby.  I must admit, the roadblocks our country has put into place for Honduran women wanting to come to the states is outrageous and completely infuriating.  I confess, I have NOT had a (clear the throat) Christian demeanor at times.  We are still waiting and desperately hoping the visa will come through shortly.  Apparently, our government is doing it's best to keep young Honduran girls from getting pregnant to an American just so they can move here by making the visa process unreasonably complicated and long.  At least, that's the reason we've been given when we've asked, "Why?"

This whole experience is leading me to reflect, once again, on the amazing gift/blessing my marriage with Delbert has been, is and continues to be.  This young couple, new family has so very much ahead of them.  And the success of it all will hinge on the strength of their marriage, commitment to one another and God.  I'm sure every new Grandmother has asked this question, had this desire that their child and family be happy, know deep love and commitment and keep their hearts on God through it all. 

I remember being in my twenty's.  I thought I knew what I was doing.  I was very focused on my relationship with God. My first husband was also a man of faith.  We tried, we really did and we failed.  I learned from my mistakes.  We were and still are both good people, but we grew in very different directions.  These lessons have helped make my current marriage that much better.  I couldn't possibly have known what I know now.  Oh that we could give this knowledge, whatever it might be for that person, to them when they are young.  But life is about the journey, isn't it.  It's not just about the end result.

May your journey be well lived.  May you walk and talk with God throughout.  God's wisdom is well beyond our maturity.  Trust, live, love and pray. And remember to celebrate, celebrate big and celebrate small.  Treasure each blessing along the way and share it with love.