Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Deep Freeze

It's been unseasonably cold in the Keys.  I had forgotten how the cold tends to make you want to just want to cozy under a warm blanket, bake until your hearts content, and make soup.  So I've been cozying under blankets, making soup and getting ready to bake.  It's funny how the weather has so much effect on our behavior and energy.  Well, maybe it's just time to sit back and relax for a bit.  Enjoy the quality time with the dog and friends.  Blessings are all around us, busyness skews our perceptions.  Thank you God for these basic reminders.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


How interesting to have a blog.  I've been working on writing a book, but it seems so impossible because I have no idea how to do it.  One of my published friends has given me some pointers.  I'm following them, but thought this might be an interesting way to work on my book. 

It's about my spiritual journey over the last 49 years and what I've learned through these experiences that I hope will be encouraging to others.  Life is wonderful and horrible at the same time.  My desire is to provide interesting yet thought provoking reading that opens the door of hope and new life for at least some of the readers. 

Well, thank you for your interest so far.  It'll be interesting to see where this takes us.