Breathtaking ..
Have you ever experienced the complete joy of the beauty of nature? An awe inspiring, breathtaking, natural view that fills your very being with a feeling of wholeness and the joy of knowing that the one who created
the vastness of this beauty also created even you. The hope building from your toes up as you realize the greatness of the Creator, your Creator. The incomprehensible love that fashions the powerful mountains and your little toe while calling even you beloved. The strength that holds a tiny baby in the comfort and nurturance of the water in the womb while cradling humanity in the palm his right hand. The wisdom beyond anything imaginable that says to these two legged creations, "I love you beyond measure to the point that I bless you with the responsibility of free will. Now be good stewards of all I've created." The graciousness that reaches out to us as we, in our brokenness, choose to take life rather than living in ways that give life and yet the divine arms embrace us, healing us, forgiving us, calling us, nurturing us, saving creation and ourselves from the destruction of our own choosen brokenness. Have you ever experienced the complete joy of the beauty of nature?
Yes, beautiful. And you are a wonderful person. I'm going to buy your book... can't wait to read it.