Remember when you were little and you ran down to the creek and low and behold ... there they were. Hundreds of little black things swimming all over the place in the shallow water. Fascination ... wide eyes ... oos and ahhhs ... what are they? You and your friends came up with all kinds of possibilities and stories. Big brother told alien stories and you ran screaming back home to mom.
Entering the house, you smell freshly baked cookies as you scream, "Mo-om." , as she turns youblurtoutthewholestoryinonecomplexrunonsentence. She smiles turns on the water and gives you some soap to wash your hands which you and your friends do. She places a cookie for each of you at the table and waits for everyone to be seated. Now you were at the creek and you saw aliens? You and your friends describe what you saw and how they squirmed and swam and sometimes even sat still especially on the bottom. Ah, now Mom's face brightens with a big smile and she says, "Pollywogs!" Your eyes and the eyes of your friends get huge ... Polly - who? Your mom explained all about frogs and their babies and how they grow. She even took you down to the creek caught a few pollywogs and put them in a fish bowl. You and your friends watched carefully for the next months as they grew, got legs, started to look like frogs and finally ... were ready to jump out into the great big world.
Do you remember that truly fascinating experience? When was the last time you found yourself in awe of God's creative blessings? Every day these blessings fill our environment our lives. We watch our children grow. We eagerly await the birth of our child. The mango tree outside delivers luscious fruits. Where did you experience this blessing today? Remember to take the time to celebrate these wonderful daily miracles in your midst. Hope and life and growth and new possibilities are always before us. May our eyes be wide and our hearts open, as we celebrate and move toward hope.
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