Happy Groundhog Day!
Ah yes, what would we do without Punxsutawney Phil? Having grown up in Pennsylvania Dutch farming county, I know a few farmers who could think of a
few things we could do without him. But, the rest of the country would miss the fun of February 2 every year. It would be entirely too easy to stay focused on that which drains us, our life and our joy. The pain of our world can not be allowed rule over our lives and living. Sure, it's simple fun, corny even, but in this ever more complex stress filled world isn't it wonderful to be able to enjoy the simple joys and to play.
One of my favorite renditions of Jesus is one where he has thrown his head back in the deep thorough joy of laughter. If there's anything that refreshes us, if there's anything that rests our minds, if there's anything that releases tension it's when we allow joy, humor, play, creativity to entertain our souls. God not only knows the essential value of play and joy; God created it, called it good and gave it to you and me. God created all that is. What a powerful scene: creations of Divine love teeming and swirling with the energy of life and breath of God with none other than the Creator, the Birther of all that is centrally spinning outstreched through it all with head thrown back in the joy of deep laughter. Yes, joy, play, laughter, the complexity of true simplicity... enjoy it, love it and yes, by all means ... live it ... you'll be amazed at the life giving possibilities it brings.
did you have to look up how to spell Punxsutawney?